The William Hall Show
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We're a community of conservatives sharing ideas and fighting against the Main Stream Media.
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Polk County, Fl Sheriff Grady Judd responds to Uvalde mass shooting

Polk County, Fl Sheriff Grady Judd responds to #Uvalde mass shooting: "We will put a bullet through your head if you're trying to hurt our children. We are going to shoot you graveyard dead if you come onto a campus with a gun." 🇺🇸

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Imagine getting owned this hard.
Trump called it!
Bud Light's WOKE Ad Campaign FORCES Bottling Company to Layoff 600 Employees

It’s not about RACE or GUNS, it’s mental illness and media-influenced rage.

Hey Democrats, if you believe a 5-year-old is responsible enough to decide to change sex, then you must also believe that an 18-year-old is responsible enough to own a gun.

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